Winter represents a time to hibernate and retreat inwards, while Spring allows us to plant the seeds of new thought for new manifestations. Summer is a time to take action harnessing the gift of high energy and longer days of light to get “the job” done, and yet for some reason our modern society all plan the longest holidays in their respective summer months, and South African summers are no exception to this. This means that as our seasons and your own energy are perfectly aligned for you to step into this prime time of executing new projects and ventures, that shutting off entirely may result in you missing out on these wonderful opportunities. So we have decided to take a different perspective on December. Now is the time to set yourself up for the best version of yourself in 2024. Take some time to write a list of things you never get to that you’ve always wanted to do. Here are some of our suggestions:
Spring clean your home
Write a menu plan and build your kitchen and pantry accordingly
Start your new side hustle, get the basic structures of your business in place making it easier to simply build from there in the new year
Set up a home gym or put together an exercise plan
Fix small things around your home, or do that DIY project you’ve been meaning to get to
Organise your home in such a way that you can easily access everything you need without clutter
Journal your lessons learnt from the year before and set an intention of what lessons you would like to learn going forward
Prep a vegetable garden so you simply have to plant, water and harvest when your busy time starts again
Another option is also the 8 Week Wellness Journey from the 10th of January to assist with your habit building around food and exercise as something to consider.