Celebrate your Emotional Wellness

1. Breathing is no longer an unconscious activity
Taking time to be conscious with your breath is at the base of it, a celebration of life, without it, there is no YOU.

Have you tried a breathwork meditation before?

Breathe in, imagining the breath spiralling all the way up through your body, hold for 8 seconds and then breathe out pushing out every last bit of air. Repeat 8 times. Feeling better?

2. Move fully in your creative, feminine power

Whether male of female, we both aim to master our masculine AND feminine power. Creativity, whether painting, drawing or dancing allows you to practice embracing a more free thinking side of you. It’s important to create time for this practice and bring balance in a very masculine world.

3. Spreading messages of love

What we put out into the world is what we receive.

Take time to put this to the test this week!

Where ever you walk, compliment every person on your path, wish them love & happiness and see how your life changes.

(If you are a bit shy, simply do it in your thoughts)

4. The art of grounding

The Earth just LOVES all of the negative emotions you are feeling. Give them all to her! In modern society we often go extended periods without putting our bare feet on the ground.

Contact with the Earth’s natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep.

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