A year ago the words #healthshot challenge came up in a conversation around this awesome phenomenon of communication between the bugs in our body. Considering that we are 90% bacteria in our make up it’s not that strange to think that these bugs have very similar conversations with one another as we do. With the intelligence of nature we therefore get a fairly accurate reading of the state of one’s gut health by introducing gut fix into the system. As Gut Fix is a ferment it has some critters of its own and the second they touch your lips they either get recognised by healthy gut bugs in you or rejected.
It’s therefore in this ‘reseeding’ of the healthy gut bugs that gut fix “fixes your gut”. With this theory in hand we went out to test the guts of the South African public with an online ‘challenge’ for all to partake in, getting beautiful recognition of similar bugs in some videos to the complete opposite in some hysterical rejections- this just had to hit the streets of South Africa!! Starting on August the 1st we launched with a team of excited young minds going out to the public 5 days a week, moving from one spot to the next all over Cape Town, handing out free health shots. Special mention to Xander for heading up this team- we are excited to see how you grow!!

Follow @gutfix.co.za on Instagram to see where the team will be next.