Often times we jump into a career because it seems to be the ‘right thing to do’, but that doesn’t necessarily lead to a life of fulfilment. The ancient Japanese taught the concept of Ikigai- a system used to discover your true calling through measuring it according to four core principles.
Does it make you money? Does it make you happy? Does it serve humanity? and lastly, are you good at it? Together these four questions lead to answers of mission, passion, profession and vocation. Most of us have never asked these questions and now spend most of our waking time on something that leaves us feeling empty.Many studies have been done showing that people often make a big shift in their late 30’s to early 40’s with great success. We’ve also heard world famous stories of success where people only started their ‘new career’ at 60! Bottom line is, there is no better time than right now to live a fulfilled life. Take some time these holidays to sit down alone, with a piece of paper and your most honest thoughts. Change is scary, but answering some questions about your deepest desires shouldn’t be. We’ve all heard the old adage, “where attention goes, energy flows.” We all have things in our lives that aren’t working for us, so why devote unnecessary focus and attention on them? It only breeds stress, discomfort, and negativity. We need to get real about what’s not working , so we can make changes and step into our true power. Be an observer of your life. What is one thing that’s not working – and can you notice if you’re ready to change it or accept it for what it is? Get to know YOU a little better, you never know where these profound questions may lead you in 2024.
Now is the time to do the work so that you may have a profound 2024.