We have been watching a big shift in our country towards ‘alternative healing’. In cases where we would’ve just gone to another Doctor for another opinion people are choosing to go to a ‘healer’ or natural doctor instead. Is it perhaps because we have become more aware of how trauma gets stored? or perhaps started to explore our own ‘out of the ordinary’ gifts?
We’ve chosen to put a spotlight on some healers we’ve come to know. If your gut feeling tells you it’s time for you to move to a different level in healing, check them out. If not, that’s perfectly fine too, it might just not be time for this just yet. We are all in different phases of wellness- defining what it means to us. The best part is, you are exactly where you are meant to be in your journey.

Meet AImee, she is the founder of Wildish Wellness, a space holder and a guide. Her wellness practice is about the reclamation and liberation of self through rewilding women’s wellness. She was born with an autoimmune condition that affects every cell and bodily process. Doomed by doctors to live a subpar life has gifted her some serious life experience, determination, empathy and understanding of other’s suffering. Her refusal to accept the doomed fate laid out by doctors started a journey of questioning, learning and discovering a range of holistic healing sciences and modalities that are just too good not to share! Her studies and more importantly her ongoing lived experience gives her the confidence to guide you on your journey to remembering, reclaiming and liberating your Wildish self.
Join Aimee for a consult, 1:1 coaching, online workshops, body work (massage) and mindful movement sessions. – she is based in Noordhoek, Cape Town.
Contact her on: 079 478 8987 or email- werwildish@gmail.com

Meet Praks, an esoteric healer and the Channel for our 8 Week Clients. You might be wondering what an esoteric healeris? The energy field surrounds and permeates all living beings. It is the scaffolding for our physical body. Within the energy field of each person are seven major centers. Each of these centers energizes or vitalizes its related nerve center, endocrine gland, internal organ system and the circulatory system. It is within this energy field that the cause of disease appears to be located. Through training, a healing facilitator can learn to work with areas that are weak or congested within the energy field, and by use of various balancing techniques, can bring the individual’s energy field to a more flowing, healthy, harmonious state. This type of healing work is called energy healing. There is a subtle aspect that is not obvious until you study it in greater depth. The existence of the energy field and its use in healing has been known for thousands of years, especially in Egypt, India, and China. It is only recently, however, that modern western science has realized its significance. It has been called by various names: Vital body, bioenergy field, “L” (life) field and etheric body. Join Praks for a truly LIFE CHANGING experience with Self.
Contact Praks on 083 365 9763 or visit her website www.awakening-angels.com

Meet Prof. Paul Goosen, a modern day wizard if we’ve ever seen one! He is truly a magical healer, having started the healing process within self at the early age of 11. Paul after a horrible accident was in a coma for more than 2 years, just before machines were switched off he came back into his body. It was during this time that Paul discovered his uncanny healing touch. Both founders of Our Grounds have been going to Paul monthly for a long time now.
What feels on a physical level like a massage leaves not only your skeletal structure re-aligned, but you walk out feeling re-aligned as a whole. Paul has also played a vital role as a partner in practice with Dr Mel, as more than 80% of her in-person clients have visited with him too. That all being said, we can’t talk about Paul without mentioning the fact that he has bookings a year in advance and people have come from all over the world to see him. Charging ONLY R200 a session he is a great step 1 in your journey with the modern day wizards and witches. (Based in Cape Town) – Contact Paul on: 072 842 2908

Meet Albè, her love for animals, aromatics and meditation led her to the telepathic work with animals. She communicates telepathically with animals that are alive as well as those who have crossed over. This includes animals that are lost, ill, have emotional, physical or behavioural issues. It also includes the integration of pets. She cannot diagnose medical conditions but in communication is able to get information about the animal’s thoughts, feelings and physical condition. Albè does this by looking at a photo of the animal (both eyes must be visible). If there is trauma or an emotional issue at hand, she can work with him/her to understand where they are at on a mind and heart level. They will be able to tell her what their concerns are and can tell her what they need to feel safe and content. In addition, she combines her knowledge of herbs and essential oils as a tool to self-medicate animals, complementary to veterinarian support. This form of self-selection is called Zoopharmacognasy. Based on her communication with the animal, she would be able to recommend a few remedies to address the physical or emotional issue(s). Using the aromatics requires dedication so there have been a few successes and failures. Nothing is ever foolproof. It depends how deep the animal’s emotional wounds and/or physical issues are and how intense their stress levels are. The work you do as the guardian to support him/her will also be important. She also offers sound as a form of therapy and massage techniques that can help the animal if there is trauma stuck in the neuro-fascial network of the body. In addition, she also offers energy healing to animals, should this be required. Check out Albè’s Facebook Page for beautiful posts and even more incredible testimonies. Our Founder and her family have had the privilege of seeing Albè in action for many years now with our friends, family and own animals- She’s the real deal.
You can also contact her on 072 472 0588. Note Albè does distance work, so you can be based anywhere in the world!